Optional Configurable Options

This article provides a guide for how to configure optional configurable options for use with VPS Reseller WHMCS module.

Optional Configurable Options

The WHMCS VPS Reseller module supports the following Configurable Options:

  • Number of IPs – number of IPv4 to add to VPS (Integer)
    Integrate vps reseller with whmcs - configurable options - number of ips
  • Space – amount of disk storage to assign VPS (Integer-in GB)
    Integrate vps reseller with whmcs - configurable options - space
  • RAM – amount of physical memory to assign VPS (Integer-in MB; 1024MB=1GB)
    Integrate vps reseller with whmcs - configurable options - ram
  • CPU Cores – number of CPU Cores assigned to VPS (Integer)
    Integrate vps reseller with whmcs - configurable options - cpu cores
  • Operating System – selection for KVM template image file to install operating system (name-version-architecture-without “.img” file extension: i.e. “ubuntu-22.04-x86_64”)
    Integrate vps reseller with whmcs - configurable options - operating systems

You must use the exact names for configurable options (listed in bold above). You can change the output values of configurable options by appending a “|” followed by the desired text.

For example, you can create a configurable option named “Number of IPs|IP Addresses”, which would output “IP Addresses” only, but still function properly with the VPS Reseller module API.

Integrate vps reseller with whmcs - configurable options - order form output
Integrate vps reseller with whmcs – configurable options – client area order form output

Values configured by Configurable Options take precedence over Product “Module Settings” and “Custom Fields”. For example, if the “RAM” configurable option is provided, this value would be used rather than the value assigned by “Guaranteed RAM” value in “Module Settings”.


You now know how to configure optional Configurable Options for use with VPS Reseller WHMCS module.

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