Setting Your Rad Web Hosting Nameservers

This article provides a guide for setting your Rad Web Hosting nameservers. This guide is intended for resellers and requires an active WHM Reseller Hosting service.

White-Label Nameservers and Custom Nameservers

Rad Web Hosting utilizes white-label nameservers, which are clustered with 4 nameservers across 3 continents (for best speed and availability).

Our white labeled nameservers provide a ready-made solution that works out-of-the-box (without requiring any further configuration). This is ideal for resellers looking to plugin and start hosting accounts instantly.

Due to the white-label aspect of these nameservers, Resellers can confidently offer them with their hosting services to clients, knowing there isn't any reference to Rad Web Hosting. This option is the simplest and fastest nameserver configuration for Resellers.

Additionally, resellers can opt to use custom nameservers. Custom nameservers utilize the reseller's own domain name (i.e. NS1.YOURHOSTINGBRAND.COM), which provides an added layer of professionalism with custom-branded nameservers that the Reseller can provide to all clients hosted within their Reseller plan.

Our white-label nameservers:

Custom (Private) Nameservers

As an alternative, we also offer to all Resellers the use of private nameservers if they wish. Private nameservers allow you to tie your domain to your DNS rather than use our white labeled nameservers. This can be a benefit for those looking to establish a more substantial online presence and wanting ties back to their organization.

You will need to first register your nameservers at your registrar using the following IP’s:

Note: NS1, NS2, NS3, and NS4 are the recommended prefixes that are supported by default. Use these values to register GLUE records at your domain registrar. Additionally, we have many domain registrar specific walkthroughs available for this. If you cannot find one for domain registrar, please let us know and we'll be happy to create one.

After registering the glue records using the above IPs, you will need to point your domain to these newly registered custom nameservers. This is also managed at the registrar. If your domain is registered with Rad Web Hosting, we will be glad to handle all aspects of this process for you upon initial signup. Simply notify us by opening a support ticket indicating your desire to have custom nameservers configured for your new Reseller Hosting account. You can also make the changes yourself, using your Domain Manager within your Hosting Dashboard account at Rad Web Hosting.

Finally, you must set the nameservers from your WHM account to assign the nameservers for use with all accounts created from the Reseller account.

To do this, login to WHM (using the login details provided in your Reseller Hosting Account Welcome Email) and navigate to the “Basic cPanel & WHM Setup” interface. Enter all four of the private nameservers. This setting controls which set of nameservers are assigned to each new cPanel account you create, so this step is critical to providing properly functioning services to your clients.

Setting up your nameservers is perhaps the most critical component of moving to a new host. We're happy to help in every way you need us to. Please open a support ticket to let us know what we can do for you.

  • reseller guides, reseller branding, resellers, whm user, whm account, whm, whm custom nameservers
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