Viewing Your Email History

This article will provide a guide for viewing your Email History from your Hosting Dashboard account.

Viewing Your Email History

A copy of previous emails are available to access at anytime from within the client area. This provides a centralized location for reviewing notifications and locating account details if necessary. Access to this feature is controlled by the Primary Account owner. The Primary Account owner can delegate access to Subuser Accounts if desired.

To access the Email History, follow the guide below.

  1. Login to your Hosting Dashboard.

    Login to the Hosting Dashboard

  2. Access the drop-down menu (as pictured below) and select the "Email History" option.

    Locate Email history in menu

  3. Locate emails with the built-in Search and Sort functions.

    Locate email to view

  4. Select "View Message" to read the email.

    View Previous Email

If you face any difficulties. please let us know by opening a support ticket.

  • notifications, welcome email
  • 11 Users Found This Useful
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