Customize Web Templates for Default Pages

This article provides a guide for how to customize Web Templates for default pages in WHM. This guide is intended for users of WHM Reseller Hosting or root-level cPanel VPS or cPanel dedicated servers.

How to Customize Web Templates for Default Pages in WHM

To customize web templates for default pages in WHM, follow the steps below:

  1. Login to WHM.
  2. Navigate to 'Home->Account Functions->Web Template Editor'.
  3. Customize the templates using the code field or upload your custom file:
    Customize Web Templates for Default Pages in WHM
  4. Once complete click 'Save' button to save the changes:
    Click Save to save customization changes.
  5. Use the tabs and repeat above steps to add customization to any desired files.


You now know how to customize web templates for default pages in WHM.

  • reseller guides, reseller branding, custom error pages
  • 0 istifadəçi bunu faydalı hesab edir
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