Uninstall WordPress Toolkit from cPanel Server

cPanel has introduced WordPress Toolkit since 96 release version. WordPress Toolkit is a added module specifically for managing websites built with WordPress. This article provides a guide to uninstall WordPress Toolkit from cPanel server.

For existing cPanel servers that also have Softaculous Premium installed with WordPress Manager, the WordPress Toolkit does not provide additional functionality and admins may prefer to remove it for this reason.

Is It Safe to Remove WordPress Toolkit from cPanel Server?

Yes, removing WordPress Toolkit is safe, and less effort than applying Feature Manager to hide this feature from cPanel Packages. Many cPanel servers also have WordPress Manager by Softaculous installed, which provides a comprehensive and customizable interface for managing WordPress installations.

Benefits of WordPress Toolkit Removal

We recommend running either WordPress Manager or WordPress Toolkit-but not both-on the server. Benefits of removal include:

  • prevent additional administrative burden of managing updates and package dependencies
  • reduction of server bloat
  • improved disk space available for other use
  • eliminate support tasks related to client confusion
  • prevent users from being exposed to WordPress Toolkit upsell model

Steps to Uninstall WordPress Toolkit from cPanel Server

To uninstall WordPress Toolkit from a  cPanel server, follow steps below:

  1. Login to server as root in SSH or cPanel-provided Terminal interface
  2. Run the following command:
    yum remove plesk-libstdc++6.3.0 plesk-libboost-1.65 plesk-libboost-system1.65 plesk-libboost-thread1.65 plesk-libboost-filesystem1.65 plesk-libboost-date-time1.65 plesk-libboost-regex1.65 plesk-libboost-serialization1.65 plesk-platform-runtime-1.0.2 plesk-libboost-program-options1.65 plesk-libpoco-1.9.0 log4cplus plesk-lmlib plesk-rdbmspp sw-cp-server sw-engine wp-toolkit-cpanel
  3. WordPress Toolkit and all dependencies are now removed from the server.

Uninstall WordPress Toolkit


Now, the WordPress Toolkit and all dependent packages have been removed from the server.

NOTE: Rad Web Hosting servers (used in fulfilment of cPanel Hosting and WHM Reseller Hosting services) are equipped with WordPress Manager by Softaculous, provided free to all shared and reseller hosting clients. 

Further Reading:

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  • uninstall, uninstall script, wordpress manager, wordpress toolkit, wordpress
  • 2 Uživatelům pomohlo
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