This article provides a guide for how to uninstall CloudLinux on cPanel WHM server.
You can always uninstall CloudLinux OS. In this case, the system will be converted back to AlmaLinux or CentOS* (Depends on what system the conversion was done from).
The following actions will be taken:
- LVE related packages will be removed.
- CloudLinux OS repositories & yum plugin will be removed.
- AlmaLinux or CentOS* repositories will be set up.
In the end, the script will provide instructions on how to finish the conversion back to AlmaLinux or CentOS*. That will require removal of CloudLinux OS kernel (manual step), and installation of AlmaLinux or CentOS* kernel (if needed).
How to Uninstall CloudLinux on cPanel WHM Server
To uninstall CloudLinux OS, run:
wget -O cldeploy
sh cldeploy -c
To delete CloudLinux OS kernel, run (change the kernel package name to the one you've been using):
rpm -e --nodeps $(rpm -qa | grep kernel | grep lve)
yum install kernel
Please check your bootloader configuration before rebooting the system.
To remove unused kmods and lve libs, run:
yum remove lve kmod*lve*
Before the reboot, the following command should be executed for restoring Apache and httpd.conf without mod_hostinglimits.
For EasyApache 3:
/scripts/easyapache --build
/usr/local/bin/ea_install_profile --install /etc/cpanel/ea4/profiles/cpanel/default.json
You now know how to uninstall CloudLinux on cPanel WHM server.