Configure Softaculous Automated Backups

This article provides a guide for how to configure Softaculous automated backups with cPanel Shared hosting accounts.

How to Configure Softaculous Automated Backups

To configure Softaculous automated backups for one of your existing hosted applications, follow the steps below:

  1. Login to cPanel account.
  2. Navigate to Softaculous Apps Installer in Software section
    Navigate to Softaculous Apps Installer in cPanel
  3. Locate the existing installation for which you are configuring automated backups and click the pencil icon to edit.
    Locate existing installation in Softaculous
  4. Configure the installation's backup settings according to your preference.
    Edit the installation's backup frequency
  5. Click "Save Installation Details" button to save your automated backup settings.


That's it! You now know how to configure Softaculous automated backups for your an application hosted on your cPanel shared hosting account.

  • backups, softaculous, automated backups
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