How to View Account Balance in Hosting Dashboard

This article will provide a guide for viewing a user's account balance in the Hosting Dashboard.

Login to the Hosting Dashboard

Please refer to: How to Login to your Hosting Dashboard Account

View Account Balance

  1. From your Hosting Dashboard, move your mouse to the top-right corner where it reads "Hello, [Your Name]!". View Account Balance in Hosting Dashboard
  2. From the top-right corner of the Hosting Dashboard, continue dragging the mouse, until you reach the Alarm Bell.
  3. Here, you will see the total Account Balance (If there is one).

Account balances can be applied to any invoices and should be considered the same as cash for any Rad Web Hosting services.

  • account balance, billing, accounting
  • 190 Korisnici koji smatraju članak korisnim
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