Debian 10 (Buster) Template Now Available for Dedicated Servers

Users now have additional Operating System choices to use with Dedicated Servers. Debian 10 (Buster) has just been added to the available OS templates for dedicated servers. This template is available for immediate deployment and can be selected from the "OS Reinstall" menu in the Server Panel for existing servers. What's new in Debian ...

7th Mar 2020
Cloud and VPS Platform Upgrade, New Features, and Big Sale for Our Favorite People

You may have noticed some recent changes with the VPS services or with the control panel's drastic change in appearance as of late. This is the result of our slow-rollout of the upgraded KVM VPS and Cloud platforms. Many clients have been addressed individually regarding these upgrades and we're assured there would be benefits, but mainly were ...

28th Feb 2020
CentOS 8 Is Here! Deploy Now on VPS or Dedicated Servers

We are happy to to announce the arrival of CentOS 8 . Long-awaited CentOS 8 brings with it numerous performance, security and development improvements...and now deploying on KVM VPS and Dedicated Servers. READ ALSO: Choosing an Operating System - Dedicated Server Guides What's New in CentOS 8? Noteworthy changes are boundless following ...

28th Sep 2019
Scheduled Maintenance Notification PHX-1

Potential Affected Location: PHX-1 Phoenix, AZ Maintenance Time(s)/Date(s): September 10th 2019 9PM to 10PM (America/Phoenix Time) Potential Affected Service(s): Network (PHX-1) Overview: On September 10th 2019 9:00 PM Phoenix time, (Sept 11, 04:00 GMT), Rad Web Hosting will be performing a network maintenance to apply a series of interior ...

8th Sep 2019
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