Video: How to Enable Spam Protection in cPanel

This video tutorial provides Step-by-Step instructions for enabling spam protection in cPanel Shared Hosting account.

Below is a transcript from the video above:

"How to Enable Spam Protection in cPanel"

This demo assumes you've already logged into cPanel and are starting on the home screen. Now, let's learn how to enable spam protection.

First, click the "BoxTrapper" icon. BoxTrapper protects your inbox from spam by requiring all email senders who aren't on your whitelist to reply to a verification email before you can receive their mail.

To enable BoxTrapper for an email address, click "Manage" then click the "Enable" button. BoxTrapper has now been enabled for this address. Click "Go Back". Next, you'll want to configure your BoxTrapper settings.

Click the "Configure Settings" link. You can set various options here including auto white listing for addresses you send email to. Next, click "Edit Confirmation Messages". From here, you can edit the standard confirmation messages already set up for you.

Next, click "Edit White/Black/Ignore List". From here, you can add addresses to your whitelist, blacklist, and ignore list. Once you have BoxTrapper set up the way you want, you'll notice a huge reduction in spam.

Another option for controlling spam is to use SpamAssassin. You can use SpamAssassin in conjunction with BoxTrapper for maximum spam control or you can use BoxTrapper on its own or SpamAssassin on its own. Click to enable SpamAssassin then click "go back".

You will now want to configure SpamAssassin. So click the "Configure" button. From here, you can set up your blacklist with email addresses you know are spam and can add email addresses to your whitelist addresses you know are not spam. This is the end of the tutorial.

You now know how to enable spam protection in cPanel using BoxTrapper and SpamAssassin.


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  • spam protection, cpanel, webmail, email tutorial, boxtrapper, spamassassin
  • 1 Korisnici koji smatraju članak korisnim
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