How to Register an Application with Python Selector

This article provides a guide for how to register an application with Python Selector for cPanel Shared Hosting accounts.

How to Register an Application with Python Selector

  • In cPanel, click on "Setup Python App"
  • Click on the blue "Create Application" button
  • Choose your Python version
  • Choose your application root, this will be the physical path to the files on your server.
  • Select the domain you wish to install the application on using the  drop-down box.
  • Select the URL you want the application to have, e.g. if you used "app-test" for the URL, it would end up being - http://cptech.test/app-test
  • The "Application startup file" and "Application Entry point" boxes can be left blank
  • Specify a log file name, e.g. app-test.log
  • Click the blue "Create" button.


You now know how to register an application with Python Selector.

  • python, python selector
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