Install the Free ConfigServer MailScanner on cPanel Server

This article provides a guide for how to install the free ConfigServer MailScanner on cPanel server.

What is MailScanner?

MailScanner is an open-source email security system which scans for viruses, spam, malware, phishing, and dangerous html in emails.

How to Install the Free ConfigServer MailScanner on cPanel Server

To install the free ConfigServer MailScanner on cPanel server, follow the steps provided:

  1. Login as root via SSH terminal.
  2. Download the installer, expand it and go into it:
    tar -xzf msinstall.tar.gz
    cd msinstall/
  3. Download the tarball:
    cd /usr/src
    rm -fv msinstall*
    tar -xzf msinstall.tar.gz
    cd msinstall/
    /usr/msfe/ -i
  4. Disable the following options in WHM:
    1. WHM > Tweak Settings > Uncheck "Apache SpamAssassin Spam Filter" and "Apache SpamAssassin Spam Box"
    2. WHM > Service Manager > Uncheck both boxes for "Apache SpamAssassin" and click "Save"
  5. MailScanner can be configured by editing the file /usr/mailscanner/etc/MailScanner.conf or via the ConfigServer MSFE UI. Be sure to restart MailScanner after making modifications to this file.
  6. If purchased, install MSFE:
  7. Modify /etc/csf/csf.pignore and add:
  8. Restart lfd:
    service lfd restart
  9. Please note that the script uses a stable version of MailScanner which might not be the very latest from the developer.
  10. Once installed/upgraded/uninstalled, make sure that MailScanner is running correctly and that exim is sending and receiving emails, by tailing the appropriate log files:
    tail -f /var/log/maillog
    tail -f /var/log/exim_mainlog


You now know how to install the free ConfigServer MailScanner on cPanel server.

  • mailscanner, cpanel, email security, spam prevention, configserver
  • 0 Users Found This Useful
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