Configure FileZilla FTP Client

This article provides a guide to configure FileZilla FTP client.

Configure FileZilla FTP Client Instructions

When configuring FileZilla, you will download an XML file and import it to your FileZilla client. To configure the FileZilla FTP client:

  1. Click the Configure FTP Client link that corresponds to the FTP account you wish to use to connect to your FTP server.
  2. Click the FTP or SFTP link to download the XML file. We recommend that you use SFTP whenever possible, as it is generally more secure than FTP. Note: This step will over-write any previous XML configuration file without warning. 
  3. Open your FileZilla FTP client.
  4. Select the Import option from the File menu (File ⇀ Import). 
  5. Select the XML file you have just downloaded and click OK.
  6. Click OK on the resulting Import Successful window.
  7. To open a connection to your FTP server, select the Site Manager feature from the File menu (File ⇀ Site Manager).
  8. Select your domain from the Select Entry menu.
  9. Click the Connect button to connect to your FTP server.

You now know how to configure FileZilla FTP client.

  • configure filezilla, ftp client, configure ftp, ftp instructions
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