How to Add Files to a Website

This article will provide a guide for how to add files to a website.

How to Add Files to a Website

The easiest and most preferred method for uploading files to your website is to use an FTP Client.

The first thing you need to do is find an FTP client. A popular (and free) FTP client is called FileZilla.

  1. Download FileZilla:
    1. Download FileZilla Client for Windows (64bit x86)
    2. Download FileZilla Client for macOS
    3. Download FileZilla Client for Linux (64bit x86)
  2. Install FileZilla.
  3. Run FileZilla.
  4. In the "Host" field, enter your domain name.
  5. In the "Username" field, enter your cPanel username.
  6. In the "Password" field, enter your cPanel password.
  7. Leave port set at "21" or if you leave it blank this will be default.
  8. Click "Quick Connect"
    1. The LEFT side shows the files on YOUR PC
    2. The RIGHT side shows the file on your server
  9. Double-click the "public_html/" or the "www/" folder on the RIGHT side
    1. This is the "root" of your website
    2. All you need to do is find the files you want to upload on the LEFT side of the screen and drag them to the RIGHT.
    3. This will then upload the files to your website.

You now know how to add files to a website.

See Also: Configure FileZilla FTP Client

  • ftp, cpanel, filezilla
  • 36 Users Found This Useful
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