How to Install WireGuard VPN on CentOS VPS Server

This article provides a guide for how to install WireGuard VPN on CentOS VPS server.

What is WireGuard VPN?

WireGuard VPN is a lightweight and powerful control panel for the modern web.

Features of WireGuard VPN:

  • Quick and easy setup
  • Slim code base
  • modern cryptographic techniques
  • Supports many operating systems
  • Fast connection setup
  • Very high speed
  • Open Source

How to Install WireGuard VPN on CentOS VPS Server

  1. Login to VPS as root user using SSH.
  2. Update server packages:
    sudo yum update -y
  3. Run the following command as root user:
    curl -O
    chmod +x
    install WireGuard VPN on CentOS VPS server
  4. Provide response to questions in WireGuard installer. Example:
    Welcome to the WireGuard installer!
    The git repository is available at:
    I need to ask you a few questions before starting the setup.
    You can leave the default options and just press enter if you are ok with them.
    IPv4 or IPv6 public address:
    Public interface: eth0
    WireGuard interface name: wg0
    Server's WireGuard IPv4:
    Server's WireGuard IPv6: fd42:42:42::1
    Server's WireGuard port [1-65535]: 57557
    First DNS resolver to use for the clients:
    Second DNS resolver to use for the clients (optional):
    Okay, that was all I needed. We are ready to setup your WireGuard server now.
    You will be able to generate a client at the end of the installation.
    Press any key to continue...
  5. Press any key to initiate package installation and configuration script.
  6. Once packages are installed, setup client user (used for client connections):
    Tell me a name for the client.
    The name must consist of alphanumeric character. It may also include an underscore or a dash and can't exceed 15 chars.
    Client name: wgadmin
    Client's WireGuard IPv4:
    Client's WireGuard IPv6: fd42:42:42::2
    Here is your client config file as a QR Code:
    WireGuard VPN client configuration QR code
    It is also available in /root/wg0-client-wgadmin.conf
    If you want to add more clients, you simply need to run this script another time!
  7. You can now configure WireGuard VPN clients with client user configuration (scan QR code or import the wg0-client-wgadmin.conf file).


You now know how to install WireGuard VPN on CentOS VPS server.

Additional Resources:

  • vpn, wireguard, vps guides, vps guide, centos, centos 7
  • 8 Users Found This Useful
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