Video: How to Check VPS RAM, IP, Disk Capacity and the Virtualization Details in Virtualizor

This video tutorial provides Step-by-Step instructions for how to check VPS RAM, IP, disk capacity, and the virtualization details in Virtualizor. For use with KVM VPS Servers accounts.

Below is a transcript from the video above:

"How to Check VPS RAM, IP, Disk Capacity, and the Virtualization Details in Virtualizor"

Learn how to check VPS RAM, IP, disk capacity, and the virtualization details in Virtualizor. Log into your Virtualizor control panel.

Both the VPS are using kernel-based virtual machine-also known as KVM technology. Click to select the VPS whose details you wish to see.

Here you can see the disk usage bandwidth etc. You can see the IP address and hostname of the VPS. Thank you for watching.


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