Video: How to Access Your VPS via VNC in Virtualizor

This video tutorial provides Step-by-Step instructions for how to access your VPS via VNC in Virtualizor. For use with KVM VPS Servers accounts.

Below is a transcript from the video above:

"How to Access Your VPS via VNC in Virtualizor"

You can access your VPS via VNC in case of an emergency such as when a firewall blocks your IP, the internet connection on VPS is not working, you are unable to access your VPS via SSH, or for OS installation reinstallation reasons etc. Click on the "manage" icon of the VPS you wish to access.

On the top right side, click on the "VNC" icon. Click on HTML5 VNC client.

That's it! We are connected now and we can log in and manage our VPS from this VNC area. Thank you for watching.

Related: How to Login to Virtualizor Account

  • vps guide, vps guides, vps manager, virtualizor
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