Domain Expiration Process

If a domain is not renewed by the registrant by the renewal date, the domain becomes Expired. Below, we provide details regarding the Domain Expiration process as well as provide details regarding renewal of a domain that has become expired. In most cases, you can still renew it per the schedule below after the expiration date.  

  • During the Grace Period, expired domains can be renewed without additional cost (pay only Domain Renewal price).
  • During the Restore Period (also known as Redemption Period), expired domains can be renewed but will incur Domain Restoration Fee, assessed by the registry.
Days since Expiration* Status Details
1-33 Expired (grace period) The domain will stop functioning as the domain will be placed on clientHold status (web site won't load, email won't be delivered, etc.), but the domain can be renewed at our regular renewal rates. Domains in this status and on clientHold can still be renewed and transferred. Please see below that you may lose your domain on the 31st day if it is bid upon via auction.
5 Expired (grace period) The domain is made available for auction bidding. You can still renew the domain at our regular renewal rates. If you renew the domain at any time before the auction ends (read below), the auction will automatically stop.
31 Expired (grace period) The domain auction ends. The highest bidder will be awarded the domain at this time if there are any active bids. You would lose your domain at this time if it was not renewed.
34-64** Expired (restore period) The domain can only be renewed during this period using the registry restoration process. You can still renew the domain through your account, but the cost will be $99.00 USD. This increased cost is due to the much higher cost we need to pay to the registry for domain restorations. Domains can also only be transferred to a different registrar prior to entering the Expired (restore period).
65-69** Expired (pending delete) The domain can no longer be renewed and will be deleted from the registry. Once your domain reaches this status, there is nothing that can be done to renew it.
70** Deleted The domain has been deleted from the registry and is returned to the pool of available domains for anybody to register.


* The "Days Since Expiration" column includes the day of expiration.


** The expiration schedule is different for the following TLDs. The values listed represent the "Days Since Expiration" as listed and defined above.


TLD Expired
(grace period)
(restore period)
(pending delete period)
.ca 1-62 N/A 63 Within 64-70
.beer, .boston, .casa, .cooking, .fashion, .fishing, .fit, .garden, .horse, .miami, .rodeo, .surf, .vip, .vodka, .wedding, .work, .yoga, 1-33 34-79 80-84 85
.audio, .blackfriday, .christmas, .click, .diet, .flowers, .game, .gift, .guitars, .help, .hiphop, .hiv, .hosting, .juegos, .link, .lol, .mom, .photo, .pics, .property, .sexy, .tattoo, 1-33 34-214 215-219 220


Domain Expiration Notifications

We will automatically send multiple email notifications to you before and after domain expiration, unless registrant has opted-out of such communication. It is important to keep your email address current. Please remember it is your responsibility to ensure renewal of your domains. We make our best efforts to issue the reminders below, but email is not 100% reliable and should not be depended upon exclusively to make sure your domains do not expire.

  • We will email you on the first day of each month with a list of domains set to expire any time the following month. We will include whether or not the domains are set to automatically renew or not in these emails.
  • We will email you 30 days before the expiration of each domain.
  • We will email you 7 days before the expiration of each domain.
  • If you have a domain that is expiring for which an auction bid has been made, we will email you both 7 days and 2 days prior to expiration to let you know.
  • Upon expiration of your domain, our system will email you and your domain will be deactivated. This will result in all services related to your domain ceasing to function (including, but not limited to, web site and email).
  • To prevent service interruption for your domain names, as well as avoid Restoration Fees, consider utilizing the Auto-Renewal feature for any domains you want to keep.



  • domain expiration, domain renewal
  • 204 Users Found This Useful
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