
Data Protection Agreement


Welcome to www.radwebhosting.com. This website is owned and operated by RADNOC LLC d/b/a "Rad Web Hosting".

This agreement is in effect as of January 14, 2022.

Information Automatically Logged:

We use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server and to administer our Web site. We use this information for no other reason.

Order Forms:

Our site uses an order form for customers to request services. (128-256 bit encryption). We collect sensitive information which is used only for billing and contact information. This information is not sold, distributed or used in any other way. PayPal, our merchant services provider, will have access to your sensitive information solely for the purpose of processing payment. They also use 256-bit high-grade encryption. We may store the last 4 digits of your credit card in our system. PayPal will store your complete credit card profile in theirs for recurring billing.

Contact information from the order forms is used to get in touch with the customer when necessary.

Billing information collected is used to bill the user for services.

Unique identifiers are collected from website visitors to verify the user’s identity.

Demographic and profile data is also collected at our site.

We use this data to tailor our visitor’s experience at our site showing them content that we think they might be interested in, and displaying the content according to their preferences.


This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control. We use strong SSL encryption to ensure your privacy.

Third Parties:

Information collected on this site is strictly for our use, NO OTHER OUTSIDE PERSONS MAY VIEW YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION SUCH BILLING INFORMATION, ETC. The only exceptions to this, are our 3rd party merchant credit card processing services, such as Payza and PayPal and certain 3rd parties from whom we resell products and services. You may view PayPal’s privacy policies here.

Data Deletion Request

By virtue of various legislation, notably the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), users may be entitled to request request their account and all data relating to their account be deleted. For more information regarding these practices, please visit our knowledgebase article and follow the steps outlined in "How to Submit Data Removal Request" article located at the following URL: https://radwebhosting.com/client_area/knowledgebase/272/How-to-Submit-Data-Deletion-Request.html

Warrants and Civil Subpoenas:

We will not share your personal information or data hosted on our servers with outside entities or authorities not explicitly defined within this privacy agreement. (such as our payment processor) The only exception to this, is if we see a felony being committed or we are served with a warrant or civil subpoena by a government authority.

Privacy and Protection of Customers' Hosted Data

Rad Web Hosting provides services at the direction of our customers, but we have no knowledge of the data (including any personal data) that our customers store or otherwise process when using our services. Customers retain full ownership and custody of their data and are in control of the entire lifecycle of their hosted data and how such data is classified, accessed, exchanged or otherwise processed when using our services.

This security policy applies to direct clients of Rad Web Hosting. Unless otherwise expressed, Rad Web Hosting disclaims any responsibility or extension of coverage to end-users who have not explicitly entered into agreed and accepted the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy directly with Rad Web Hosting.

Our customers remain responsible for any personal information that customers collect and process. Customers must take all reasonable steps to protect the hosted data and to comply with laws and regulations as they may apply to the hosted data and their customer, which includes the customer’s encryption of personal or any regulated data.

Contact Information:

If you have any questions or comments about this, our Data Protection Agreement, as outlined above, you can contact us:

  1. By email at: dataprotection@radwebhosting.com
  2. By mail at:
    400 S. AKARD ST
    STE #200
    DALLAS, TX 75202
  3. On our website at: https://radwebhosting.com/client_area/contact.php

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