Setting .ssh File and Directory Permissions

This article provides a guide for setting .ssh file and directory permissions for a user on Linux-based server.

Setting .ssh File and Directory Permissions

To ensure your SSH setup is secure, setting .ssh file and directory permissions to the appropriate values is critical for SSH-related files and directories. Below is a table summarizing the permissions for key files and directories:

Item Sample Path Numeric Textual
SSH folder ~/.ssh 700 drwx------
Public key ~/.ssh/ 644 -rw-r--r--
Private key ~/.ssh/id_rsa 600 -rw-------
Authorized keys ~/.ssh/authorized_keys 600 -rw-------
Home folder ~ 755 drwxr-xr-x

Explanation of Permissions:

  • SSH Folder (~/.ssh): This folder must have 700 permissions, allowing read, write, and execute access only for the owner.
  • Public Key ( This file can be publicly readable, so 644 permissions are appropriate.
  • Private Key (id_rsa): The private key must be strictly protected, so 600 ensures only the owner can read and write to it.
  • Authorized Keys (authorized_keys): This file contains the public keys authorized for SSH access. It must have 600 permissions to ensure it is only readable and writable by the owner.
  • Home Folder (~): Ensure your home folder has 755 permissions or less, so it is not writable by others.

To set these permissions, use the following commands:

chmod 700 ~/.ssh
chmod 644 ~/.ssh/
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 755 ~

These permissions help secure your SSH access by limiting file access to only the necessary users.


You now know about setting .ssh file and directory permissions for users on Linux-based servers.

  • ssh keys, ssh commands, ssh, file permissions, chmod, security
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