How to Safely Rename WordPress Database

This article provides a guide for how to safely rename WordPress database. This guide is intended for use with cPanel shared hosting accounts.

How to Safely Rename WordPress Database

To safely rename a WordPress database, follow the steps below:

  1. Login to your cPanel account.
  2. Navigate to the Databases section and click the "Manage My Databases" icon to access:
    Navigate to Manage My Databases
  3. Click "Rename" corresponding with the database you wish to rename:
    Click Rename for the database to be renamed
  4. It is recommended to take a backup of the database prior to renaming. Do this by clicking the link:
    Backup the database before renaming
  5. Enter the new database name in the "New name:" field and click "Proceed" to rename:
    Enter new database name and click Proceed to rename the database
  6. Use the File Manager interface to edit file, "wp-config.php" (cPanel Home -> Files -> File Manager):
    From the File Manager, locate the wp-config.php file to Edit
  7. Modify the database name in the wp-config.php file:
    Using the File Manager, edit the wp-config.php file to replace the database name
    The line you should edit is:
    define( 'DB_NAME', 'your_new_db' );
    Info! Replace 'your_new_db' with the new database name.
  8. Save the file and exit the file editor.


You now know how to safely rename WordPress database using cPanel.

  • wordpress, wordpress management, wp-config.php, database, file manager
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