How to Create a CNAME Record in cPanel

This article provides a guide for how to create a CNAME record in cPanel.

Possible CNAME Option Values

Option Description
TTL The default setting is 3600, or one hour.

How to Create a CNAME Record in cPanel

To create a CNAME record in cPanel, follow the steps below:

  1. Login to cPanel.
  2. Click "Zone Editor" from the "Domains" section.
    Click Zone Editor from the Domains section of cPanel
  3. Select "+CNAME Record" for the domain.
    Select +CNAME Record
  4. Fill in the name and desired domain.
    Enter CNAME details
  5. Click "Add a CNAME Record".
    Click Add a CNAME Record
  6. You successfully added the CNAME record for your domain.


You now know how to create a CNAME record in cPanel.

  • dns zone manager, dns, dns records, cpanel, cpanel guides, cname
  • 1 Users Found This Useful
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