What are the Security Benefits of CloudLinux?

What are the security benefits of CloudLinux Hosting?

CloudLinux is the operating system used on the servers for shared hosting, reseller hosting, and WordPress hosting. There are a number of benefits to choosing a web hosting provider that uses CloudLinux, including enjoying a more stabilized hosting environment and having resources dedicated to your account, which cannot be used by others on the server.

Another major benefit is the additional security measures that exist in a CloudLinux hosting environment. Below are a few of the major security features and how they help protect your website.


CageFS is a virtualized, per-user file system that uniquely encapsulates each account, preventing users from seeing each other and viewing sensitive information. What this essentially means is that your account is completely separated from any other accounts on the server, as if your account was on its own private server. No other users are able to detect your presence on the server, which keeps your files completely anonymous. This will make it virtually impossible for them to be hacked or accessed without your knowledge. CageFS also protects the server itself from attackers, which adds another layer of stability, by ensuring that a hacked server will not disrupt your websites.


HardenedPHP secures old and unsupported versions of PHP (more than 85% of all PHP sites are running old, unsupported PHP scripts). HardenedPHP patches these older versions and eliminates vulnerabilities in the scripts. It could be catastrophic to your websites and files if a hacker found and exploited these vulnerabilities. Additionally, HardenedPHP makes it possible for websites using many different PHP versions to live in harmony on the same server. It also means that we will never force a PHP update that could potentially break your website.


SecureLinks is a kernel-level technology that prevents all known symbolic link (symlink) attacks. This feature essentially prevents malicious users from creating symbolic link files (tricking the web server to read some other user's PHP config files) and enhances the security level of the servers even further.

Rad Web Hosting is committed to providing a high-performance, secure web hosting environment for all users, which is why CloudLinux is used exclusively for all shared hosting, reseller hosting, and WordPress hosting servers. It is available to purchase as an addon to any of our VPS or dedicated servers, as well.

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  • cloudlinux, security, operating systems
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