Get Pushover Notifications for Web Hosting Account

This article will describe how to get Pushover Notifications for Rad Web Hosting updates to your invoices, tickets, and other important information.

Pushover applications are available for Android and iOS devices, as well as Windows desktop. 


Enable Pushover Notifications

  1. From Hosting Dashboard, log in to Hosting Dashboard account.
  2. Navigate to "Pushover Notifications" from the Shortcuts menu in the Hosting Dashboard

    Accessing Pushover Notifications Module

  3. Click "Add Device" to proceed to the Notification customization.

    Pushover Notifications

  4. Enter the User Key, which is found on your device's Pushover application. (For more information about using the Pushover app, visit
  5. Customize the notifications you want to receive and provide an optional Device Name.

    Customizing Pushover Notifications

  6. Pushover Notifications will now be sent according to these configuration.

Download Pushover Client

  • pushover notifications
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