Video: How to Setup Payment Gateways in WHMCS

This video tutorial provides step-by-step instructions for how to setup payment gateways in WHMCS. This configuration will help define the billing and support behavior of a WHMCS installation, thus, it's a vital step not to be ignored during WHMCS setup.

Users of WHM Reseller Hosting with free WHMCS can reference our WHMCS Guides to supplement the official WHMCS documentation.

Below is a transcript from the video above:

"How to Set Up Payment Gateways in WHMCS"

This tutorial assumes you've already logged into to your WHMCS admin panel.

Now, let's learn how to set up payment gateways. Click the "Setup" tab. Click "Payments". Then, click "Payment Gateways". Click "All Payment Gateways". This is where you can choose the payment gateways you want to set up.

Let's start by setting up PayPal. Enter your PayPal email address so you can receive payments into your PayPal account.

If you want to be able to give refunds from within WHMCS, you'll also need to fill in the three API fields. When finished, click "Save Changes".

Let's go ahead and add another payment gateway. Choose "Mail-In Payment". You'll want to provide payment instructions like your bank information or mailing address.

Here, note that you can deactivate payment gateways by clicking the "Deactivate" link next to the gateway name.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to set up payment gateways in WHMCS.


Video: Securing the WHMCS Installation

Video: Installing WHMCS

  • whmcs setup, whmcs, whmcs admin, whmcs module, whmcs gateway, payment gateway
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