This article provides a guide for a VPS Reseller user to delete VM via API.
Use Delete VM API to delete your VPS from your server.
This function is for cloud users.
HTTP Request
Name | Type | Value | Description | Required |
act | GET | listvs | Retrieves the list of vps created | Yes |
delvs | POST | vpsid | The vpsid that needs to be deleted | Yes |
Sample Code
<?php require_once('/usr/local/virtualizor/sdk/enduser.php'); $key = 'your_api_key'; $pass = 'your_api_pass'; $ip = 'your_server_ip'; $admin = new Virtualizor_Enduser_API($ip, $key, $pass); $del_vpsid = 3589; $output = $admin->listvs($del_vpsid); print_r(json_encode($output)); ?>
curl -k -X GET -L ""
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You now know how to delete VM as a VPS Reseller for use with VPS servers.