How to Install and Run Geekbench 5 on Linux VPS or Dedicated Servers

This article provides a guide for how to install and run Geekbench 5 on Linux VPS or dedicated servers.

What is Geekbench 5?

Geekbench 5 is a cross-platform benchmark test. Geekbench 5 allows you to compare system performance across devices, operating systems, and processor architectures.

How to Install and Run Geekbench 5 on Linux VPS or Dedicated Servers

To install and run Geekbench 5 on Linux VPS or dedicated servers, follow the steps below:

  1. Login to SSH as root user.
  2. Run the following command:
    wget --no-check-certificate
    tar xf Geekbench-5.4.5-Linux.tar.gz
    cd Geekbench-5.4.5-Linux/


You now know how to install and run Geekbench 5 on Linux VPS or dedicated servers.


  • benchmark, geekbench 5, linux, linux server, geekbench
  • 2 användare blev hjälpta av detta svar
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